Lomsko Pivo Website Redesign

project type
Web design
Lomsko Pivo Brewery
Redesign of Lomsko Pivo Brewery website with a mobile version

Lomsko Pivo connected with me for a redesign of their website as the brewery had its 125 anniversary in 2019.


Poor mobile version usability and hard to maintain due to custom coded site

Their previous website was custom coded in 2009 and didn't have mobile version as well as not covering all the new products of the company.


  • Research & Define
  • Web Design
  • Web development in Webflow

The main requirements of the client were to have a stylish, modern look and to present the new beers in their portfolio.

Lomsko Pivo Brewery is one of the oldest in Bulgaria and the only one that has remained in the same production place after its launch in 1884.

Main anchor of their business is that they use the same traditional technology of beer brewing as their establishers did - no changes are made in the process. They brew the beer according to Reinheitsgebot - an old german law of pure beer brewing with only the 4 main ingredients.

Beer Portfolio of the company

I Phase: Research & Define

This phase was related to research of the visual communication of the main breweries here in Bulgaria to know how to position the brand in digital space. There was a

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